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زنجبيل طازج

زنجبيل طازج

From 35 dh
الزنجبيل الطازج: قوة الطبيعة في خدمة الصحة والعافية الزنجبيل الطازج هو نبات عشبي يتميز بجذوره العريضة والعطرية، وهو جزء مهم من التوابل الشهيرة المستخدمة في المأكولات والمشروبات. يُعتبر الزنجبيل من...
Bâtons de Cannelle - أعواد قرفة

Bâtons de Cannelle - أعواد قرفة

From 39 dh
Bâtons de Cannelle - أعواد قرفة أعواد قرفة تتميز بطعمها ورائحتها الفريدة التي تضيف للأطعمة والمشروبات نكهة لذيذة ورائعة ، إذا كنت تبحث عن الطعم الرائع والجودة العالية في وقت واحد، فإن...
Graines de pavot - بذور الخشخاش

Graines de pavot - بذور الخشخاش

From 39 dh
Graines de pavot - بذور الخشخاش بذور نبات الخشخاش الذي يتميز بزهوره الصغيرة والزرقاء أو البيضاء الخفيفة. تعتبر هذه البذور من المكونات الشائعة في عدة أنواع من الطعام والمأكولات، حيث...
اوراق الزيتون المجففة

اوراق الزيتون المجففة

From 39 dh
فوائد ورق الزيتون إن مستخلص أوراق الزيتون قد يحوي مجموعة من المركبات النباتية الفعالة في علاج عدد من المشكلات الصحية، وهذا ما يجعله فعالًا ومفيدًا جدًا، ويُفضل جعله ضمن قائمة...
اوراق المورينجا المجففة

اوراق المورينجا المجففة

From 39 dh
اوراق المورينجا المجففة  moringa أوراق المورينجا هي تلك الأوراق التي يتم استخراجها من شجرة المورينجا الهندية، تتعدد فوائد أوراق المورينجا الصحية، لذلك كثر استعمال الأوراق من النواحي الوقائية والعلاجية، فضلًا...
زعتر بري مجفف

زعتر بري مجفف

From 35 dh
 عشبة الزعتر البري يُعدّ الزعتر البري أو بمُسمىً آخر السعتر أحد النباتات الجبليّة المُنتشرة في جبال بُلدان البحر الأبيض المُتوسط، ويمتاز الزعتر برائحته الزكيّة وطعمهُ الحار بالإضافة إلى فوائده الكثيرة...


From 52 dh
أهم فوائد الخروب يعتبر الخروب من الأطعمة الطبيعية الحلوة والمغرية. يستخدم الخروب لعلاج الإمساك. يمكن استخدام مسحوق الخروب في صنع مشروب لذيذ محلي الصنع يساعد على حركة الأمعاء الطبيعية. يعد الخروب...
Graines de tournesol en vrac - Sunflower seeds

Graines de tournesol en vrac - Sunflower seeds

From 52 dh
Raw sunflower seeds, peeled, ready to eat Sunflower seeds are a healthy food that can help lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. Sunflower seeds are a rich source of...
Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds

From 39 dh
Pumpkin seeds Pumpkin seeds, known as “pumpkin,” are rich in nutrients that the body needs. They contain magnesium, which plays an important role in physiological functions, such as pumping the...
Nigella sativa - Black seed - Graine de Nigelle

Nigella sativa - Black seed - Graine de Nigelle

From 39 dh
Graine de Nigelle Nigella sativa - black seed Black seed, black seed, or black cumin, are black grains and seeds with a distinctive smell and taste. They have been used...
الصابون البلدي المغربي  (الصابون الاسود المغربي)

الصابون البلدي المغربي (الصابون الاسود المغربي)

From 78 dh
فوائد الصابون البلدي المغربي. الصابون البلدي المغربي هو صابون طبيعي مصدره الأساسي المغرب، يصنع بطرق يدوية بزيت الزيتون وفقا للتقاليد القديمة من التراث المغربي على مدى العصور ,و يستخدم في الحمامات المغربية...
Moroccan siwak or local siwak

Moroccan siwak or local siwak

From 78 dh
Moroccan siwak or local siwak Moroccan siwak Or the local siwak, one of the oldest natural materials used by Moroccan women to take care of their beauty, because it contains a...
Yellow sesame

Yellow sesame

From 39 dh
Yellow sesame Sesame contains many nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Sesame is considered one of the most famous types of seeds used in the manufacture of sweets. Sesame...
Graines de fenouil - the beneficial

Graines de fenouil - the beneficial

From 39 dh
Graines de fenouil - beneficial fennel seeds Fennel seeds - the beneficial ones - are an excellent source of antioxidants such as phosphorus, selenium, zinc, manganese, choline, beta-carotene, lutein and...
Dried juniper leaf

Dried juniper leaf

From 52 dh
Dried juniper leaves Juniper is considered a short to medium tall tree. This plant grows in some parts of Europe and North America. The juniper plant and its essential oil...
Graines de cresson - cress

Graines de cresson - cress

From 26 dh
Graines de cresson - cress The cress plant has been used since ancient times for many medical and cosmetic purposes, because it is rich in natural oils and nutritional elements...
Graines de lin brun - flax seed

Graines de lin brun - flax seed

From 52 dh
Graines de lin brun - flax seed There are many benefits and uses of flax seeds, because they contain vitamins such as vitamin B and many nutrients such as calcium,...
verveine - verbena

verveine - verbena

From 39 dh
verveine - verbena Verbena is considered an antispasmodic that accompanies nervous irritation, whether in the digestive system or menstrual cramps, and preparing a drink (tea) from the leaves of the...
Feuilles de Laurier - The paper of Prophet Moses

Feuilles de Laurier - The paper of Prophet Moses

From 39 dh
Feuilles de Laurier - The paper of Prophet Moses The bay leaf, known in Morocco as the leaf of Prophet Moses ; It is a plant commonly used in cooking...
The wild one

The wild one

From 39 dh
The wild one Wild palm herb, also known as "artichu" or "paragoric", is a natural herbaceous plant with amazing health benefits. This plant is considered part of medicinal traditions around...
Feuilles d'eucalyptus - dried eucalyptus leaves

Feuilles d'eucalyptus - dried eucalyptus leaves

From 26 dh
Feuilles d'eucalyptus - dried eucalyptus leaves The leaves of the Eucalyptus tree are considered one of nature's treasures that contribute to the treatment of many diseases. Healthy tea with a...
Maryam's palm herb

Maryam's palm herb

From 39 dh
Maryam's palm herb Maryam palm is an herb that is famous among women for its many health and therapeutic benefits, which benefit women in particular. That's why it's called the...
Feuilles de Henné bio - dried henna leaves

Feuilles de Henné bio - dried henna leaves

From 39 dh
Feuilles de Henné bio - dried henna leaves The henna plant is distinguished by its beautiful green leaves and pink or white flowers. This plant has been used by different...
Lavande séchée - dried lavender

Lavande séchée - dried lavender

From 52 dh
Lavande séchée - dried lavender Lavender is a mountain plant native to North Africa and the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean, but it is currently grown all over the world,...
Cumin mystique - Kamoun Soufi - Sufi cumin

Cumin mystique - Kamoun Soufi - Sufi cumin

From 39 dh
Cumin mystique - Kamoun Soufi - Sufi cumin Sufi cumin is considered one of the most famous herbs that grow in deserts, and is widespread in Morocco. Its taste is...
Romarin séché azir, rosemary

Romarin séché azir, rosemary

From 39 dh
Romarin séché azir, rosemary Rosemary is an aromatic plant with many benefits. It is not limited to cooking only, but includes many other properties Rosemary, also known as rosemary, is...
Thym - Zaitara

Thym - Zaitara

From 39 dh
Thym - Thyme herb Thyme herb is considered a type of thyme, but it differs in that it has a fragrant and clear thyme scent and its taste is hot...
Graines de Fenugrec - fenugreek seeds

Graines de Fenugrec - fenugreek seeds

From 52 dh
Graines de Fenugrec - fenugreek seeds Fenugreek seeds are small, potent seeds that have been prized for their medicinal properties and culinary uses for centuries. Packed with essential nutrients, fenugreek...
Graines d'Anis - a sweet grain

Graines d'Anis - a sweet grain

From 39 dh
Graines d'Anis - a sweet grain Savor the power of anise seed, or “ sweet seed ” in Arabic, a carefully selected spice to enhance your culinary creativity. Discover its...
Clou de Girofle - cloves

Clou de Girofle - cloves

From 52 dh
Benefits of clove oil for your health Cloves are rich in many nutrients, as they contain vitamin E, vitamin C, folic acid, riboflavin, vitamin A, thiamine, vitamin D, and omega-3...
Star anise

Star anise

From 52 dh
Star anise or star anise (in English: Anise Star ) is a herb that contains many health benefits. It is used as a spice added to cooked foods. Star anise...
Dried roses

Dried roses

114.40 dh From 52 dh
Dried roses In perfumery: the whole scent of roses, with a refreshing floral scent. After harvesting, the buds are separated from the petals and left to dry inside the stalk....


107.90 dh From 39 dh
Licorice sticks Licorice root already featured prominently in the pharmacopoeia of the Greeks and Romans for its expectorant and softening properties. The use of this plant in food seems to...
Chamomile flower

Chamomile flower

107.90 dh From 39 dh
Benefits of chamomile flower: The chamomile flower, with its beautiful shape that resembles a small sun, is the favorite herb of mothers and grandmothers for making tea with which it...
Free saffron 1 gram

Free saffron 1 gram

97.50 dh
Free Moroccan saffron Free saffron and Moroccan saffron are considered popular spices and have wide international fame. They are considered one of the most expensive spices in the world. They...
Ekpi seeds for fattening

Ekpi seeds for fattening

From 260 dh
Ekibi seeds to enlarge the buttocks Seeds Akibi It is an African herb product used to increase body weight. It is one of Akibe's products specialized in weight gain for women. In...