Tried and tested recipes for treating diabetes with natural herbs

وصفات علاج السكر بالاعشاب الطبيعية مجربه

With the increase in diabetes patients in recent years, despite the difference in the cause of the disease, whether hereditary or organic, doctors have begun to prefer changing the patient’s lifestyle, treatment methods, and nutrition in a way that contributes to controlling blood sugar levels. Thus, treating diabetes with proven natural herbs is one of the required treatment methods.

Treating diabetes with proven natural herbs

There are a large number of seeds and herbs that contribute to controlling blood sugar levels if they are eaten in a certain way to benefit from their special elements in this task. Among the most important of these herbs are the following:

Fenugreek seeds:

Fenugreek seeds contain multiple elements for nutrition and health, and their effectiveness in controlling blood sugar levels has been proven.

Basil plant:

Basil leaves contribute to lowering the level of glucose in the blood, and this is done by constantly drinking a boiled basil drink to control sugar.


It has been proven in many studies that drinking cinnamon regularly twice a day contributes to controlling the blood sugar level for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Fennel plant:

Fennel seeds contain fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, and these elements are effective in controlling sugar levels.

the Garlic:

Garlic is one of the plants that contribute to the treatment of many diseases, but recently it has been proven that it contributes to the secretion of a greater percentage of insulin to treat blood sugar.

Treating diabetes with herbs and olive leaves

An effective recipe for controlling blood sugar has spread. It has already been tried and has contributed to significantly reducing blood sugar in a large number of patients. It is a recipe using olive leaves. It is prepared and used as follows:

  • You must get a suitable amount of completely clean olive leaves, then boil them in a liter and a half of water.
  • After that, we filter the water completely, put it in a bottle, and keep it in the refrigerator.
  • Before using this recipe, you must stop taking any medications to treat diabetes.
  • Then, you must regularly drink a cup of this water before every meal throughout the day, provided that the dose does not exceed 3 cups per day.
  • It is necessary to monitor the sugar level daily and write a report to determine the extent of the body’s response to this water. If the body does not respond, it is preferable to return to insulin needles.

Treating diabetes with rapeseed oil

You can include rapeseed oil in preparing many meals, as it can withstand high temperatures before it smokes and is used for diabetics as follows:

  • Replace saturated oils with rapeseed oil in baking, grilling and frying.
  • Put it on the authorities.
  • Grease baking pans so that the food does not stick to the pan.
  • It is also a very good alternative to solid fats, so it is an important oil, especially for diabetes and heart disease.

Despite the many benefits of rape oil and its effectiveness in fighting many diseases, there are some warnings regarding its use, which are as follows:

  • The composition of this oil contains genetically modified ingredients, and to date there are no studies on the side effects resulting from consuming oils that contain genetically modified substances, so consuming it may pose a risk to some people.
  • Also, during the extraction of oil from rapeseeds, they are exposed to very high temperatures, which leads to them losing many of the benefits.

But some people find that it is just a rumor, as rape oil is approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States of America and that it contains much lower levels of toxic erucic acid.

Treatment of high blood sugar

Some important procedures must be followed to treat high blood sugar, which are:

  • It is necessary to take adequate rest and avoid emotions and anger.
  • Make sure to eat foods that contain fiber.
  • Drink more water and make sure you stay hydrated on a regular basis.
  • Do not eat any source of carbohydrates.
  • Using apple cider vinegar contributes to lowering blood sugar levels.

Herbs that reduce cumulative blood sugar

It is possible to control the level of cumulative blood sugar through the following herbs: -

  • Ground lupine, coriander and fenugreek.
  • Eat fresh onions to stimulate the pancreas to secrete the insulin necessary to reduce cumulative blood sugar.
  • Drink cabbage or cabbage leaf juice or eat it in salads.
  • Ginseng plant, either directly or in tablets.
  • Eat garlic cloves or put them in meals.

Treating diabetes with water

The importance of water for a diabetic patient has been proven in a large number of studies. It does not treat diabetes, but it maintains the balance of blood sugar while maintaining complete hydration of the body, because high sugar levels cause continuous urination to get rid of sugar through the urine.

As a result, the percentage of water in the body decreases, followed by problems with the urinary system, dry skin, and a significant increase in sugar levels. Therefore, care must be taken to drink appropriate amounts of water, not less than 8 cups, but preferably more.

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