Treatment of cystitis with herbs
There are many symptoms that appear on you that indicate that you are sick with urinary bladder infections, which makes you go to the doctor for advice. If the matter is simple, you can stop taking medications that have side effects and continue taking natural herbs, so follow this article with me on: On our website, we will learn in detail about methods of treating cystitis with herbs.
Treatment of cystitis with herbs
The most important natural herbs that help treat cystitis are:
One of the most important natural herbs that greatly helps in treating cystitis. It is done by grinding an amount of fennel to make it soft in texture. We take only 1/2 spoon from it and put it in a cup of boiling water on the fire, cover it for 10 minutes and drink it after eating twice a day.
It is considered one of the best effective methods that help in treating cystitis in men and women. It is done by placing two cups of water on the fire, adding a bunch of fresh watercress to it, leaving the mixture on the fire for only 120 seconds, then removing it, covering it for 10 minutes, then drinking it twice. Almost a day.
the Garlic
If you want to treat bladder inflammation, you must eat garlic immediately, as it is the best natural and herbal method that greatly helps in treating inflammation, by eating two cloves of garlic daily.
It is considered one of the best natural treatments for many diseases, including cystitis. This is done by eating a medium-sized onion with breakfast and another with lunch to help treat the inflammation.
Wild thyme
You can get a large amount of it to treat cystitis in one cup of water and put it on the fire to boil completely for a few minutes and drink a cup about 30 minutes before breakfast and another cup about 30 minutes before dinner.
Treating cystitis with honey
If you suffer from urinary bladder infections, you can treat them with natural ingredients, such as eating honey and drinking plenty of water, which helps in greatly killing the bacteria that cause the infection. Honey is also a natural substance that consists of a group of beneficial nutrients such as minerals.
One of the most important components of honey is vitamins and amino acids. It has been a powerful treatment since ancient times. It is used as a powerful antibiotic to treat the most difficult medical conditions. It is also rich in antioxidants, so it works powerfully against various infections, viruses, and fungi that can infect humans at any time.
You must continue to consume natural honey daily by placing approximately a spoonful in a glass of water and drink it on an empty stomach early in the morning. The water must be somewhat warm to treat cystitis faster, and it is possible to take it at all times, as it is a powerful factor in strengthening the body’s immunity. .
You can mix honey with apple cider vinegar to get a natural drink that helps in treating cystitis. It consists of two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Put them in a cup of warm water and stir the mixture well to mix them together. Your stomach must be empty on an empty stomach. You take it twice a day to control the infection more easily. If it is difficult for you, you can go to the doctor immediately to treat it.
Treatment of cystitis in women
Many women suffer from bladder infection and it can be treated by taking natural herbs, including:
Aloe vera plant
Which is considered a natural anti-inflammatory for various infections, including the bladder, and a powerful factor in repelling microbes that infect the body in general.
It is one of the natural herbs that is used in many treatments, including bladder infections for women, and it reduces the symptoms of urinary tract infections and bladder infections.
This herb breaks down urine and is one of the most important and best natural treatments ever to treat cystitis in women.
It is a natural herb that contains some chemicals that reduce diseases and infections in the urinary bladder in women, and therefore it is recommended to use it as an alternative to medications that have side effects.