What is lemon balm herb? What are its benefits and harms? Is it beneficial for the colon?

عشبة المليسا ما هي؟ وما فوائدها وما أضرارها؟ وهل هي مفيدة للقولون؟

The lemon balm herb is lemon balm and it is used for slimming, pregnancy, colon, beauty, or general health. What type of herb is this? Does it have other names?

Names of lemon balm and their properties

  • Melissa is a plant or herb of the Lamiaceae species, and it is called cinnamon or cinnamon balm.
  • The most popular name you buy it from a herbalist is lemon balm, because its smell is similar to it.
  • It is also called woolly mint and Mediterranean bee plant
  • It takes the form of a stem, leaves, and flowers. The stem is almost square, and the leaves taste bitter.
  • The flower is white, or somewhat yellow, with leaves slanted in the shape of a longitudinal heart, and has a strong aroma like lemon.
  • The leaves are also small and not large, and they have great benefits if they are harvested before flowering:
  • In medical manufacturing
  • Or as a healthy drink
  • Or as a salad dressing
  • Or other self-care and hygiene mixtures.
  • It has a sharp, hairy edge
  • It contains glands that secrete volatile substances and compounds within the herb.

Information about the lemon balm plant

  • The length of the herb reaches seventy cm, twice that in some species.
  • It bears fruit, and the fruit contains four seeds
  • A solar plant that does not like to grow in the dark or away from solar heat.
  • It is preferred for its cultivation in regular, sandy soil with good drainage channels for excess water.
  • Its most widespread habitat: southern Europe, the Mediterranean region, and areas of western Asia.
  • The season it grows best is spring.

Elements and compounds in lemon balm leaves

  1. Terpendylate triplet
  2. Bile substances
  3. Geraniol
  4. Tannins
  5. Citronellal
  6. Citral

General benefits of lemon balm or lemon balm

  1. Some limited research has indicated its effect on reducing symptoms caused by stress, and helping people relax and return to calm.
  2. To relieve nervous tension, take a 300 mg capsule in three separate sections throughout the day, but this requires more research.
  3. Improving cognition, through an increase in attention and concentration ability.
  4. Mixed with medical valerian and drunk before going to sleep, it contributes to reducing pre-sleep confusion, and increases resistance to insomnia. This also requires further confirmation.
  5. Accelerates the treatment of herpes sores, fever or in Arabic, cold sore disease.
  6. Mixing it as a powder at the rate of a spoon with ice cream or with dairy foods reduces pain in the stomach and abdomen, and thus facilitates digestion.
  7. A drink made from lemon balm can restore balance to a person when he feels nauseous for any reason, and remove its symptoms.
  8. For women, a daily drink of 1200 ml lemon balm or lemon balm powder before menstruation every month relieves you of the disturbance and pain during ovulation and the bursting of the egg during monthly menstruation.
  9. It is possible to take it as an alternative to headache capsules, because it opens the limited blood vessel channels.
  10. Mix a little lemon balm oil with jojoba and gently massage with a piece of clean cotton the molar or tooth affected by pain.
  11. Its extract can act as medications for patients with mild or moderate Alzheimer's disease
  12. Those who want to be slim can use a decoction of its leaves in the diet.
  13. Useful for cold and flu.

Harmful effects of lemon balm

  • It should not be taken after leaving the operating room or surgery, for a minimum of two weeks, and preferably after complete recovery from the cause of the surgery.
  • A thyroid patient is not advised to approach lemon balm, as it affects his thyroid gland, interacts with its medications, and reduces the level of hormonal secretion in the blood.
  • In cases of taking any other types of medications, chronic or otherwise, do not take lemon balm as it interacts with some of these types and causes drowsiness.
  • Sometimes it causes cramps, cramps, dizziness, or a sound during breathing
  • The developmental stages occur under the age of ten, so children under this age should not take it.

Benefits of lemon balm for the colon

First the recipe:

A recipe from the following herbs. Try it if you suffer from colon disease or also suffer from depression (taken from experience) in equal amounts:

  1. Whole grain black mustard.
  2. A spoonful of whole flax seeds.
  3. Similar spoon cress whole seeds
  4. A spoonful of cumin seeds, the same amount.
  5. Unground anise
  6. A spoon of dry fennel
  7. A spoon equal to the above chamomile
  8. One tablespoon of unground violet flower herb
  9. The spoon of lemon balm is intact, not powder
  10. A spoonful of dried pomegranate peel, finely ground as a powder

Second: Method and daily use

  • Avoid three things while using it: getting angry as much as possible, standing while taking it, and mixing it with any sweetener
  • Keep the mixture in an airtight container or bag that does not get wet.
  • Before going to sleep, prepare boiling water.
  • Place a large cup of the recipe in it after mixing its ingredients completely and properly, as we mentioned to you.
  • Pour water over the amount in a cup and leave it to soak until the morning without neglecting to cover it.
  • You eat herbs and drink their water in the morning after sleep, and without any additives to the body from eating or drinking at all
  • Make a cup in the evening and repeat it daily without neglecting the three things above

Benefits of lemon balm for pregnancy

  • The mother's muscles inside the uterus are affected by the drink and volatile oils of lemon balm found in the leaves, so she should not drink it so as not to suffer a miscarriage during that period.
  • The properties present in lemon balm affect milk secretions during breastfeeding, and therefore it is rejected by breastfeeding women so as not to change the characteristics of their milk, which is important for the child’s growth.

Melissa herb for diabetes

The effect resulting from the herb has not been studied in depth or extensively to conclude its benefit for patients, especially with diabetes, but since it achieves other benefits with short-term use, the patient must monitor his blood sugar levels while using it.

Where can I find lemon balm?

The herb may be available in some major perfumeries, and it is available as seeds or as a powder, but if it is available to you as leaves, it is better, and for your information, only the leaves are intended for treatment with them, not the rest of the plant.

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