Phlegm is one of the things that many people, old and young, suffer from. It is annoying in a way that many people hate, and its occurrence has many reasons. We will explain to you in this article how to treat throat phlegm for everyone who suffers from it in multiple ways, while explaining the most important herbs that expel phlegm.
Expectorant herbs
- Phlegm in the throat is one of the diseases that is difficult to live with or tolerate, as it upsets the mood and makes you always feel sick.
- Phlegm can be treated in various simple ways, and the best and easiest of these methods is by taking herbs
- The most important of them are ginger, anise, turmeric, and guava leaves, by putting them in water and boiling the water with guava leaves in it, and eating it in the morning on an empty stomach.
Herbs that expel expectorants in children
- Phlegm in children is difficult to expel because they are unable to get rid of it as adults do.
- There are many methods that must be followed so that the child gets rid of phlegm easily, through natural herbs, but you must consult a doctor first before giving it to your child.
- Because there are herbs that are safe for children and others that are not safe for children:
- Among the herbs that children can drink are chamomile tea, warm liquids with little or no sugar, and warm water as well.
Expectorant herbs for infants
- Infants also suffer from cough accompanied by phlegm and runny nose.
- The best treatment for children under six months is breastfeeding only, whether natural or artificial.
- As for children older than six months, they can drink juices, chamomile tea, and warm, not hot, drinks.
- Eat white honey in the morning or put it on a warm drink before bed.
- Eating warm chicken soup helps a lot in getting rid of cough and phlegm and expels it.
An expectorant medicine for adults
- There are several ways to get rid of phlegm resulting from coughing, smoking, or any other causes in adults, including:
- Decongestant: This medicine is characterized by its ability to reduce the flow of mucus from the nose. It also treats the airway and opens the ability to breathe and thus prevents congestion in the chest.
- The highly concentrated saline solution, which is in the form of a spray, helps increase the percentage of salt in the respiratory passages and make you feel comfortable for a short period.
- Or gargle with water dissolved in salt.
- Eating honey helps kill bacteria.
To expel phlegm from the lungs
- The lungs are among the most important functions in the human body, and cleaning them of phlegm, toxins, or other things is much better, so that you are not exposed to many other accumulated problems. There are several ways to clean the lungs of phlegm, which are:
- Ginger, mint, lobelia, licorice and castor oil, which is one of the most beneficial types of oils for getting rid of phlegm and expelling it from the body. How to use it:
- Castor oil and soak 2-3 pieces of wool in a cup of warm castor oil, then place the wet wool on the chest and lungs area and cover the piece of wool with a sheet of plastic.
- Then put a bag of hot water over it for not less than an hour and not more than two hours, then get rid of the castor oil, wash the body well from the oil and repeat it twice every week until recovery.
Herbs for phlegm and chest pain
- There are many different herbs that we use and we do not know their benefits.
- There are many herbs that can be taken to get rid of chest phlegm quickly, without any medications or different medications. These herbs are simple and found in many homes, including:
- Mint, oregano, ginger, licorice, and lobelia.
To expel phlegm quickly
- After the studies that were conducted, it appeared that there are drinks that are among the best drinks, which help a lot in dissolving phlegm with ease.
- One of these drinks is ginger, and there are other wonderful drinks that are also beneficial for the rest of the body
- It contains vitamins and strengthens the body, including honey
- Lemon juice, guava leaves and chili pepper
- Raw onions, carrots, turmeric, warm chicken soup and star anise.
Mucolytic pills
- Phlegm is difficult to get rid of, so we resort to taking drugs and various herbs to dissolve the phlegm and get rid of it completely.
- But the best medicine has appeared to get rid of phlegm permanently, and it is called Ultrasolv tablets and syrup. It is the best type of drug that helps get rid of phlegm and dissolve it easily.
- But it should not be taken except after consulting your doctor because it sometimes produces adverse results if the condition does not require taking this medication.