Teeth whitener - Blanchi Dent

Clean, white teeth are an essential part of your smile.
the description

Teeth whitener - Blanchi Dent

A beautiful smile is everyone's wish, but it takes effort to get and maintain this smile. Clean, white teeth are an essential part of your smile, and with a little effort, you can get them.

Teeth whitener contains a substance (tannic acid). This substance has an anti-septic effect and is considered an antiseptic. It has famous uses against bleeding. It also cleanses the gums and teeth, heals small wounds, and prevents bleeding from them. It contains a substance derived from mustard, and this substance helps kill germs. Tooth whitener contains sodium bicarbonate, which is the preferred substance in the artificial formulation of toothpaste. Tooth whitener contains a substance that prevents tooth decay, and it is chemically composed of cellulose fibers and some volatile oils... and other compounds.

Its benefits also include:

It removes dye and stains because it contains chlorine. It whitens teeth because it contains silica. It protects the teeth from bacteria that cause decay because it contains sulfur and an alkali substance. It helps heal wounds and cracks in the gums and helps them grow properly because it contains trimethylamine and vitamin C. It freshens the mouth, tightens the gums and eliminates phlegm.

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