
Essential rose water 250 ml x 3

$20.25 $12.15
Essential rose water 250 ml x 3 Rose water is a liquid substance extracted from roses, which is the remains of the production of rose essential oils. This water is used to add flavor to some foods and is sometimes added to cosmetics. It provides a feeling of refreshment with the pleasant scent of roses and moisturizes
the description

Essential rose water 250 ml x 3

Rose water is a liquid substance extracted from roses, which is the remains of the production of rose essential oils. This water is used to add flavor to some foods and is sometimes added to cosmetics. It provides a feeling of refreshment with the pleasant scent of roses and moisturizes gently. It removes makeup from the skin of the face and eyes, freshens the air and leaves a sublime, floral scent of roses

The most important benefits of rose water for the face

2. Contributing to the treatment of acne

3. Help moisturize the skin

4. Reducing facial puffiness

5. Suitable for those with sensitive skin

6. Reducing the appearance of signs of aging

7. Contributing to the treatment of sunburn

How to use rose water for the face

In order to enjoy the benefits of rose water for the face mentioned previously, there are several ways in which rose water can be used, here are the most important of them:

Follow these steps:

Put a little rose water on a piece of clean cotton, wipe your face with it, then leave it to dry. Repeat this process twice daily, in the morning and before bed. Using rose water in face masks In order to moisturize the face, you can use rose water to make a mask through the following steps:

Combine three tablespoons of rose water, one tablespoon of glycerin and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply this mixture on your face for 15 minutes. Wash your face with warm water. You can repeat the mask twice daily. Cleansing the face with rose water. To obtain the benefits of rose water for the face as a cleanser, follow the following steps:

Put rose water in its container to help spray what is inside. Spray rose water on your face every time you feel like you need to clean it of dirt. Treating acne with rose water To help treat acne using rose water, follow these steps:

Mix a teaspoon of lemon and another teaspoon of rose water. Apply this mixture on the affected area, leave it for 15 minutes, then wash your face with cold water. Repeat this process once or twice a week.

Without alcohol, excellent quality, paraben-free

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