
Clove essential oil

$20 $12
يعمل بطريقة مماثلة للفلورايد في منع الإصابة بتسوس الأسنان. يُستخدم كمخدر موضعي، ويمكن أن يخفف آلام الأسنان، حيث يتم وضعه على المنطقة المصابة.
the description

Clove essential oil

Clove essential oil can be used for many medicinal uses, including:

  1. Clove essential oil can help prevent tooth erosion, and may work in a similar way to fluoride in preventing tooth decay.
  2. It is used as a local anesthetic, and can relieve toothache, as it is applied to the affected area.

To benefit from the benefits of clove essential oil in relieving toothache, it must first be diluted with a carrier oil such as: olive oil or coconut oil. A cotton ball is dipped in this mixture and then placed directly on the painful tooth, but it must not touch the gums.

The pain often subsides within a few minutes of applying clove oil, and it is reapplied every two hours if necessary. If you feel irritation from applying clove oil, you must stop using it immediately.

Benefits of clove oil for hair

1. Improve hair growth

When you want to improve your hair growth, you often follow a specific diet. In addition, you can resort to natural treatments by mixing... Clove oil With coconut oil to get rid of damaged hair and increase its shine.

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