Spray oils

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Glycerin 60 ml

Glycerin 60 ml Cosmetic benefits: It is used in beauty care: hair, dry skin of the neck, hands, feet and nails.

Soy oil 60 ml

Soy oil 60 ml Soy oil contains many fatty acids (omega-3 - linoleic acid - oleic acid - palmitic acid -.....), minerals (calcium - iron - magnesium - phosphorus -...

Unroasted virgin argan oil 25 ml

Argan oil is virgin, unroasted Cosmetic properties: - 100% virgin and natural oil, very rich in unsaturated fatty acids (80%) and vitamin E. - Effectively combats premature skin aging. -...

Aloe Vera Oil Spray 120ml - Huile d'Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Oil Spray 120ml - Huile d'Aloe Vera A natural Moroccan product, one of the finest natural products. Aloe vera oil is used in massage and facial, skin and...

Fresh Almond Oil Spray 120ml - Huile d'Amande Douce

Fresh Almond Oil Spray 120ml - Huile d'Amande Douce It helps increase hair length and give it vitality. Almond oil contains magnesium, which makes it an important factor in combating...

Coke oil spray 120ml - Huile de Coco

Coke oil spray 120ml - Huile de Coco Coconut oil or coconut oil highly moisturizes the skin and improves collagen production to prevent signs of aging such as fine lines...

Argan Oil Spray 120ml - Huile d'Argan

Argan Oil Spray 120ml - Huile d'Argan A natural anti-wrinkle as it contains Vitamin E , which delays their appearance. Moisturizing, whitening, softening and clearing the skin. Argan oil is...

Sesame oil spray 120ml - Huile de Sesame

Sesame oil spray 120ml - Huile de Sesame Sesame oil has such a high nutritional value that it is said to be a complete food because it contains many beneficial...

Fenugreek Oil Spray 120ml - Huile de Fenugrec

Fenugreek Oil Spray 120ml - Huile de Fenugrec Fenugreek oil is useful in lubricating the throat and stomach, and it also treats colic and treats asthma, cough, and chest diseases...