Diet tea

This tea is a mixture of Asian herbs such as ginger roots, anise seeds, green oat leaves, wild dandelion, etc. This tea can be the perfect natural solution for dissolving fat.
the description

Diet tea

This tea is a mixture of Asian herbs such as ginger roots, anise seeds, green oat leaves, wild dandelion, etc. This tea can be the perfect natural solution for dissolving fat, whether from the liver or from the rest of the body. It also helps in stimulating blood circulation, reducing appetite, giving freshness to the body, and helping to eliminate Sagging

Reduces the amount of uric acid in the blood. It has a tonic and healing effect, increases the body's defenses. It helps with various problems in the sexual sphere (not only men, but also women). They help improve the condition of the cardiovascular system and restore the heart rate.

Removes toxins and cholesterol from the human body. Cleanses the liver of toxins, helps in improper bile formation and bile secretion. It has a diuretic effect and helps with cystitis. It helps people who want to quit smoking to get rid of their addiction. Improves skin condition with skin diseases.

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صراحه زوين بزاف عجبني كيسرح لمصارن وقتل دود لفمصارني نزلو ميتين, صراحه كنصح بيه كاع ناس لكتعاني مشكل مصارن, هدي تاني مره كنخدو زوين


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