
Thyme essential oil

$16 $12
يكافح علامات الشيخوخة والتقدم في السن ويقي من ظهور التجاعيد ,والخطوط والبقع السوداء التي تظهر على الوجه .
the description

Thyme essential oil is a powerful anti-infective with a wide spectrum of actions: antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiparasitic. It is also an immune stimulant. It is digestive and appetizing. These qualities are a valuable ally in winter. Activates the body's energy and strengthens the nerves. In addition, thyme is widely used for the prevention of infectious, respiratory and digestive diseases. It is also known to have healing properties due to the presence of two antiseptic and antibacterial compounds. It is effective in combating bronchitis, chronic coughs, as well as winter diseases. Be careful, thyme oil is anti-skin: it burns the skin. Never use it pure on the skin, but well diluted (maximum 5% and for topical use). Apia oil is 100% pure and natural. Essential oils are oils extracted from 100% natural plants. They are natural and necessary remedies to protect you from viral, bacterial or fungal infections. Keep away from light and moisture and out of the reach of children.

Customer Reviews

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said TORFI

pure et pas cher